2017 10 05 etwinning awards
Award #eTwinning Quality Label # etwkickoff17 in Gent. Johan Vanhouwaert received the label from Jill Peiffer, director of EPOS vzw.
Photos and videos of the award you can find them on the facebookpage of etwinning.be
2017 05 03 Minutes of skypesession Steering Group
Thanks to Jill from UK for the agenda. You can find the content on the twinspace only for members.
2017 03 20 Minutes of skypesession Steering Group
Thanks to Jill from UK for the agenda. You can find the content on the twinspace only for members.
2017 02 09 Minutes of Steering Group
Thanks to Jill from UK for the agenda. You can find the content on the twinspace only for members.
2016 11 23 skype meeting steering group
Thanks to Jill from UK for the agenda. You can find the content on the twinspace only for members.