2016 04 29 skypemeeting teacher to teacher UK - Austria
It was a success this morning, all partners were online and there was no fall out with our group skype meeting. Julia from UK and Hilary from Austria have present there 10 paintings and Makaton signs. We made agreements for our next first skype children to children meeting on 27/05/2016. Two children show a painting and make a makaton sign. Other children from the different country will try to understand the word.
2016 03 25 skype teacher to teacher Romania - Turkey - Belgium
Our first skype to skype meeting where UK and Austria are not online by reason of holiday. After a brief chat with the steering group Maureen (UK), Corina (RO), Hale (TU) and Johan (BE) we hear and see our partners in Romania Anka, Juliana, Carmen and Sulti with their 10 paints and symbols chosen and try out of the Makaton movements.
Then we could listen to the 10 words and paints with Makaton shown by Acelya
At least our two Belgian teachers Ilse and Sabine shown 10 sentences with Makaton movements. After this performance they show our partners some paintings made by the children.
We all help and explain our movements and difficulties, but most of all we had lots of fun and looking forward to our next skype meeting teacher to teacher on 29 April 2016 together with Austria and UK.
2016 02 29 try out skypemeeting steering group
To prepare our skypemeeting on 25 March 2016 we make a skype connection with Corina, Hale and Johan to see if the connection is well function. Ovagem and Jim couldn't join us, but we made already a test connection earlier. All partners will send the photos or scans of the word paintings to the dropbox Johan made.
We had a skype meeting with Belgium and Romania to test the connection and it seems that everything is ok. No problem observed during the skype meeting. We had a small talk about the issues that we'd like to share with you too:
- Today is the last day to send paintings of the 60 words for each country and also children photos & videos taken during the paintings (1 March) - (via DROPBOX please)
- Logo designs of the children also need to be send today 1 st of March, 2016 - (via DROPBOX please)
- School presentation ppt's need to be send today.
- Johan and Julia revised 300 words and Johan sent those revised ones. All partners need to send them with their translations today. Johan will put them on the website in a single file.
- Johan will contact us again for another skype test because Corina was at home and she wants to test skype at school. Also we'd like to test with all partners in order to take necessary precautions before the teacher to teacher skype session. Johan will inform us 2 days before so that, everybody can arrange themselves accordingly.
- Johan offers to continue Makaton language workshop in Belgium and this may be an issue to be disscussed during the skype meeting. We need to ask Jim whether he can send Julia or Karen again apart from other teachers to attend 3rd meeting.
***Johan offers to use dropbox for every document to be published on the website or facebook since it'd be easier for him to reach the documents everytime and we can also reach those documents when needed.
2016 02 22 second report Steering Group
The minutes of meeting can be read in the report send by our partner Umit from Turkey. You can find the minutes on the twinspace. (only for members)
2016 02 19 evaluation progress report
Corina asked us to fill in this report for evaluation.